Restoring Each Family Unit; Giving Empowerment.


Poverty goes beyond the person living on the streets and sleeping on steamed vents, but essentially families and individuals who may be struggling with a loss of hope and on the verge of losing everything. In today’s society, poverty is also identified as the lack of community support; the steady decline of jobs; the inability to afford housing, and the stress of overwhelming debt.

It has been my experience over the last 25 years, the endless struggles happening within our communities. This is why it is so important to work together in directing our efforts toward relieving the plight of those living in poverty. I’m a firm believer, all things are possible when we band together.

When you listen carefully, I’ll guarantee you’ll hear the voices who cry out for help.

Keep in mind, it could be a family member, friend or even you. Together we can answer the call.

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Shandai Moore-Jenkins
President/ CEO