a Cause

Our events are made possible with the help of our financial supporters. We are so grateful to what sponsors just like you have given to help us to accomplish our goal.

Community Drive

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Our community drives are season focused. Every event holds meaning to the needs of each community. We are gearing up for special events which will help us reach low-income to no-income families. Events will include, Holiday turkey drive, canned food, coat, blanket, toiletry, and toy drives. We are always in need of donations to collect items throughout the year.

Clothing Drive


New and Gently used clothing is a continual need. Some items we would need to purchase, including undergarments for both men and women. As the winter time approaches, coats, packs of socks, hats, gloves, and scarves will be an immediate need. These item will also be a great help for men and women seeking to attain employment.


Computer Lab


Society is fast moving in the information technology industry. Nothing we do excludes the need to use the computer. Our goal is to educate individuals with the basic computer knowledge that will give them enough confidence to adapt in today’s world. Computers, software and training materials are needed to accommodate our instructor(s) and students. You can be a sponsor today.

Veteran Support

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Do you know someone who served in the military? Perhaps a loved one or friend? We are here to share and provide resources as our veterans continue to need our support. The financial donations from our sponsors are the conduits helping The R.E.F.U.G.E. Hub to make it happen. These needs vary from soldier-to-soldier as many of our military men and women lack enough income to pay a phone or utility bill to say the least. For those who are disabled, other needs may apply. Please consider supporting our veterans today.